General Forest Health
The meaning of forest health can vary based on the objective of the landowner or land manager. Regardless, many things - both short-term and long-term - impact forest health. Factors such as past land use, historical climate, and soil properties can impact the health and growth of trees for decades. Tree genetics always has some impact on tree growth and health, as do things like current weather (e.g. droughts) and insect/pathogen damage. Invasive plants and even native species can compete with desired tree species for water, nutrients, and light. The key to a healthy forest is to determine your objectives, then plan an appropriate management plan to meet those objectives, always considering the many factors that collectively impact forest health.
A literal use of "forest health" safeguards against misuse and misapplication
University of Wisconsin, 2009Forest health from different perspectives
Northern Arizona University, 1995Glyphosate: Cause for Concern?
Clemson University, 2019Promoting a Healthy Forest on Your Land
Southern Regional Extension Forestry and NC State University, 2016A Progress Report on Resistance Breeding in Forest Trees
US Forest Service, 2025It's Not a Disease (or is it?): Managing Tree and Forest Health in Palms, Pines, and More
University of Florida, 2018The People Have Spoken: Using Forest and Firewood National Polling Data to Promote Forest Health
The Nature Conservancy , 2017Forest and Grassland Health - Region 8
USDA Forest ServiceForest Health
Southern Group of State ForestersForest Health Initiative
U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, USDA Forest Service, Duke EnergyForest Health Protection
USDA Forest ServiceForest Health Research and Education Center
University of Kentucky and USDA Forest ServiceForest Health Technology Enterprise Team Technology and Reporting (FHTET)
USDA Forest Service